Library Hours


Public Amenities

Copy Machine
5 Desktop PCs
2 iPads
WiFi Available

New Books
    A library is more than just shelves of books! If you're a member of the Westville Public Library, your card enables access to ebooks, music, movies, genealogy, and so much more!
    Westville Library Card
    Here are sites that a Westville Library Card will unlock:
    • LOGIN logo
      - Libraries of Gloucester, Salem, and Cumberland Information Network. A consortium, or cooperative group, of public and academic libraries that share certain infrastructure and resources. If you have a library card from a LOGIN Library you’ll inherit certain privileges from other member libraries.
    • Hoopla logo
      - Your public library at your fingertips. Borrow and enjoy audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, magazines, or music everywhere you have a screen-your computer, your phone, your car, even your TV.
    • OverDrive logo
      - Free ebooks, audiobooks & magazines from your library All you need is a public library card or access through your workplace or university. Always free - no fees or subscriptions.
    • EBSCO logo
      - Search scholarly articles, books, journals & more.
    • Heritage Quest logo
      Heritage Quest
      - Discover your family history today.
    • World Book logo
      World Book Online
      - An engaging, verified, and trustworthy digital resource for grades pre-K through high school.
    • Jersey Clicks logo
      - A statewide electronic resources program offered by the New Jersey State Library. JerseyClicks provides access to over 20 databases, which cover a host of topics and academic pursuits.
    • Mango logo
      - Learn real-life conversations with native-speaker audio and cultural context so that you can speak like a local.
    If you are a Westville resident and would like to join the library, come in and fill out an application.

    Remember to bring your driver’s license or a DMV issued identification as proof of your Westville address. If you live in an apartment, please provide a copy of your certificate of occupancy, which you can acquire at the borough office at no charge.